Rates published in other literature and the camp portion of the website apply only to the campmeeting time.  Rather than a set rate for use of the facilities, the suggestion is that a donation be made to help care for utilities and to help with the maintenance projects.  In recent times we have  been trying to up-grade the facilities and grounds. In order to do this, funds are needed. A donation to the camp to help with this need would be greatly appreciated.  If you would like to continue to have the grounds available for your use, we would appreciate a donation as you feel led.   Some labor or time in repairs could be considered in exchange for some of your donation.  Please contact Dan Gould at gouldd@charter.net for possible projects and needs. 


Costs / Prices

The Adirondack Region

     The Adirondack Park was established in 1892 and is comprised of over a 100 mountains, with 46 main peaks! It encompasses more than 6 million acres with a ton of access to lakes, ponds, rivers, trails, scenic drives, and wildlife! 
      The weather in the Adirondacks is always give or take.  One minute it could be sunny, the next it could be raining! Days can be around 85 degrees and the nights could drop down to 50 easily! Make sure you check the weather for any upcoming stays! Have fun no matter what its like.

Here is a link to get you started:

Looking for a place up north? Or just to sit back for the weekend with your Church. youth, or ministry? To hold a revival camp...?

Our camp is situated in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate NY, in a little town called Wilmington.  We are about a 20 minute drive from Lake Placid, 2 hours north of Albany, and about an hour and a half from Montreal.   We are  a short drive from many hiking trails within the Adirondacks as well.  So, if you are looking for activities to plan for your group, have no fear, there is a lot nearby!

If this interests you, please feel free to ask questions or reserve your weekend.
The person to contact about this is:
Helen Patnode. She can be reached by email at: clif999@aol.com

Inquire and Reserve

A number of different groups have sought out the camp over the past decade.  Ranging from family reunions, weekend revivals, and other various ministries.  We are always glad to accommodate.  However, any group that does decide to use the grounds, will need to follow the camp rules without exception.  Please take a look at those below for more information!  Also, any other information you can't find below, just ask!

Adirondack Camp of the RockWilmington Holiness Camp Grounds