Prayer and Volunteering


Donations and Volunteers
This camp has been around since 1905 completely and entirely through donated funds and a lot of hard working volunteers to keep everything running year after year! Some people spend hours, days, and years devoting time to help improve the camp and its ministry!

Many things have changed throughout the years; our society in which we live, our youth, technologies, transportation, and the list goes on.  The camp has kept up with the times and continues to adapt to be better able to reach out to our current society.  However, our mission and way of life has stayed the same.  We offer our grounds to other groups to whom it can be a blessing and hopefully in turn, bless others around them. In short, the camp has been evolving to become a more engaging force in today's world.  The more we can serve for our Savior, the better!

Our brief history is shared below, we left out a lot of small details, as we could be here all day!


Our current Camp Meeting is run by the Adirondack Camp of the Rock Association made up of 9 trustees and our current, acting president Helen Patnode.  Beyond the trustees, but equally as important, are our camp association members comprised of a number of denominations loyal to the holiness lifestyle.  Our heritage is rich with the holiness community and devoted members to keeping the camp alive, through good times and bad.  We are devoted to our youth and are continually trying to raise them in the lifestyle that seems to be much less seen in today's age, a life of holy living in a community of believers reaching out to our chaotic world.  

Who we are

Prayer Requests
There is never such a thing as too much prayer!  Please pray for this years Camp Meeting, the workers, volunteers, that God will move in mighty ways! Pray also for the finances of the camp, that God would supply everything that is needed! There are a lot of big projects coming up that need to be taken care of! 

There is a lot to do each and every year for the camp and to prepare for our annual camp meeting! Not only our camp, but also for other groups who are reserving the grounds for their own gatherings.  If you have the time or feel the need, please consider helping throughout the summer.  A few hours or a few days, it all makes a huge difference and lifts the workload off the shoulders of a few devoted volunteers!

Adirondack Camp of the RockWilmington Holiness Camp Grounds

Projects and Needs

Much has been done!
In the last number of years a lot has been done to improve the camp!  A New floor has been built in the Dining Hall along with new walls! The girls' dorm was completely renovated and new stairs put in place, a new guys' dorm was built, The Children's tabernacle was rededicated to being a place for children or other meetings,  A Play area including a swing set was added to the children's area! The dining hall was remodeled, a number of cabins were fixed up inside and  out, a new cabin was built on the property with handicap accessible facility, a new and  updated kitchen, and the list goes on! 
Sound system--in 2016 a new video system was added.  A new electronic keyboard was donated.  More  chairs were purchased (donation money) picnic tables and umbrellas were purchased (donated money) Restrooms--painted inside and outside Snack Shack interior refurbished and a new door added. Fire alarm system in the dining room/girls' dorm upgraded.  Rock added to the road.  Porch floor repaired on the dining room.  Pavilion floor improved and picnic tables added. Dead and dying trees removed.  Work on roofs of some cabins begun.
All of this through Donations and hard working volunteers.

Much more still needs to be done!
There are always projects that can be worked on! Cabins can be upgraded.  If anyone wanted to give donations. etc.  Feel free to inquire!